YPJ: A poem

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And here comes death, oh here comes death
Behold her beauty and grace
She is the wind of salvation come
Head held high she leads the hunt

Here comes defiance, oh here she comes
Her cry of victory sows terror among the hordes
She is the bride of Kurdistan come
Rejoice for she dies for you


And here comes hope, oh how gallant she rides!
She is strong, willful and skilled
Her mission holier than any grail
Grieve not for all is not lost


And here comes freedom, oh here comes freedom
Oh how the meadows make way for her!
She brings forth fire and the invaders tremble
Sing songs because she has made your land free


And here comes death, oh here comes death
She brings death and destruction to those who oppress
When you think of her beautiful smile
Hold back your tears for she will never die
