Aussie teen turned Jihadist propaganda is an Epic fail: An open letter to ISIS and Abdullah Elmir.


Assalamualaikum fellas. What’s up? I know, I know, those YPG bad boys and girls have been kicking your unwashed nuts lately. Hope you guys are holding out fine. Which is a lie because I really do not hope that lol. Okay the beheadings, the kidnappings the summary executions and all those horrendous shit you posted online were damn brutal. I don’t know man, I give credit where it’s due and all those execution and propaganda videos scared the crap out of me for some time. Those were some legit solid Psychological warfare; you clearly did your homework there. And that horrible fucked up thing you did to that nice fellow with Down syndrome? And that town where you literally wiped everyone out? Yup, clearly puts you on top of the ‘Scum we should totally destroy’ list. One of the many reasons for your successes is your online propaganda. Hell, even the beefed up Iraqi military dropped trou upon hearing of your advances. Needless to say, your reputation of brutality precedes you everywhere. Then this happened:


So you got this Aussie jihadist Abdullah Elmir on cam for god knows what reason. Yep, really awkward. I mean what the f*ck ISIS? Seriously what were you thinking? You are motherf*cking terrible ISIS for crying out loud! You were doing great until you put this nerd on. I mean look at this guy. The way he says ‘Allah’ and ‘walalajalawalawahahalakaueheheue’ or whatever incorrigible shit ISIS fuckers say sounds pathetic. Even his ‘Takbeer’ is kind of sad. Hey Abdullah Awkward face! What were you thinking? Fed up with your virginity back home and thought that by joining ISIS your goat fucker brothers would share some of their kidnapped women and you can finally get some? Made a move on your own mom then got bitch slapped by everyone in your family for it felt awkward the next morning, you sick pathetic fuck? Tired of being punched in the face a zillion times in your high school? You must have had like 17 imaginary girlfriends, who probably left you too. Everything about you reeked ‘loser’. Shit man, your face by the end of the video was all like ‘oh shit Imma’ get my ass raped after this recording ’. Which I’m sure it will because there’ll be a shortage of goats soon and you better grease your ass right fucking now. Hey wait a minute, what’s that dude behind you doing, has he got his little goat fucking wiener in? Man, talk about sneak attack. Enjoy compadre.
I get it ISIS, you need to show the world that the coalition airstrikes aren’t working, though in fact they totally are. It’s like in grade school when you get into a fistfight and your opponent hits you on the side of your face and it hurt like hell and you say “hah! Doesn’t even hurt so you can stop hitting this particular area cause trust me, it was the gayest punch ever”, but all the while thinking ‘please don’t hit me there no more, please don’t hit me there no more, please don’t hit me there no more, please don’t hit me there no more’.
Seriously, you’re not fooling anyone you pathetic losers. You raised your black flag in Mosul in three days but your mighty warriors of Allah is still busy dying horribly in Kobane because the coalition airstrikes and the badass YPG soldiers defending the town are so totally laying some major whoop ass on you. So, nope, back to the drawing board little Hajjis and Mohammeds. Your pathetic video is kind of gay. No offense gay people.
I do not know what this kid’s case is and frankly I don’t wanna know. But here’s what we know. He’s the awkwardest(?) poser in the entire universe of awkward posing. He’s not scary, he’s not intimidating and he made you guys look really, REALLY, pathetic.
So yeah, that’s about it. Hope you guys are safe. Haha lol kidding I hope you fuckers die horrible deaths.

You should really try bacon sometime since none of you really follow Islam. Might do you some good.
And yeah, your Allah is not really that Akbar.

Flipkurdlovewhatup/Dogmeat outttttt!!!!!

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